As we prepare for the upcoming new soccer season, Trafalgar Victory FC wishes to inform you of the following 2021 season details:
1. TVFC is playing MiniRoos, Juniors and Seniors in the Gippsland Soccer League (GSL), previously known as the South Gippsland League.
2. MinRoos and Juniors will continue to play on Saturdays.
3. MiniRoos will be played in a “hub” format similar to that played in the Latrobe Valley Soccer League (LVSL).
4. Whilst the hub model is yet to be finalised, we are confident that the vast majority of our MiniRoos matches will be played within a 30-minute travel time of Trafalgar.
5. Senior matches will be played on Sundays.
For further details please don’t hesitate to contact Trafalgar Victory FC via FaceBook or via email at
Alternatively, come along to our 2021 Registration Day on Thursday the 1st of April and speak to our committee and/or coaches.