Trafalgar Victory FC will be running a sausage sizzle at IGA Trafalgar on Saturday the 4th of March. The event will run from 9am – 1pm and raise much needed funds for the club.  IGA supports many local community based organisations every single weekend via the “carpark sausage sizzle”, and next weekend is our club’s turn.

IGA supply the shade tent, tables, sausages, sauce, utensils and BBQ.  All Trafalgar Victory needs to do is supply the work force to cook and sell the BBQ goods.  So once again there is an opportunity for our members to support our club and make a contribution that will benefit many.

To make the day’s work easier, TVFC has decided to break the event into two time slots: 9:00am – 11:00am & 11:00am – 1:00pm.  The club is looking for 3 or 4 people per time slot.

If you can assist for 2 hours please contact Mark Judd on 0448 032 490.  If not, then please come along and buy a sausage.  Please support the club that supports you.