The 2019 Trafalgar Victory FC Senior Presentation was held at The Courthouse Restaurant and Garden Bar, Warragul on Saturday the 5th of October.  Everyone was dressed to impress and and ready to celebrate the 2019 season.

The evening commenced with the conclusion of the various vote counts for the season, the results of which were as follows:

  • Men’s Reserve’s Best & Fairest: Jesse Peck
  • Men’s Reserve’s Best & Fairest R/U: Mark Heatherington
  • Senior Women’s Best & Fairest: Amanda Hines
  • Senior Women’s Best & Fairest R/U: Tumi Yusuf
  • Senior Men’s Best & Fairest: Jackson Landy
  • Senior Men’s Best & fairest R/U:  Aidan Wyatt
The Courthouse Restaurant and Garden Bar provided lovely food and great service throughout the evening, to ensure a memorable experience was had by all.
The contributions of each of the TVFC Club Person of the Year nominees were presented and the recipient of the senior and junior club person announced.
  • Luke Barker Memorial “Club Person of the Year” Award: Tanya Makins
  • Angelo Carpinterri “Junior Club Person of the Year” Award: Chloe Alison
Senior Coaches, Eamon O’Hare and Tony Wyatt presented the Men’s and Women’s Awards respectively:
  • Men’s Reserves Most consistent: Hamish Brace
  • Men’s Reserves Coaches Award: Monty Rahama
  • Mens’ Reserves Players Player: Hamish Brace
  • Senior Women’s Coaches Award: Caycee-Jo Tatterson
  • Senior Women’s Players Player: Caycee-Jo Tatterson
  • Senior Men’s Coaches Award: Cohan Bayles
  • Senior Men’s Player’s Player: Jackson Landy

The final presentation of the evening was made to our club’s newest Life Member, Petamarie Mathews.  Petamarie becomes the fist female life member at TVFC and her and husband Brian become the first husband and wife life members also.  Petamarie worked for many years at the club, primarily as a committee member and as a dedicated volunteer in the roles of canteen coordinator and club treasurer.  She guided the club through some troubled financial periods and upon her departure from the role, handed the club over in a strong financial position. Petamarie also managed player registration and the dreaded money collection, that at the time came with the role. It was lovely for the club to recongnise the valuable contribution made by Petamarie over the many years at the club.

The TVFC Committee would like to thank all who contributed towards the running of the senior season.  From the players to the coaches. From the canteen volunteers to those on the gate. Your contributions have been greatly appreciated and are indeed essential for the running of any community club. Our thank also to the Courthouse Restaurant and Garden Bar for making our  presentation evening such a memorable experience.  Thank you to those who organised the evening and invested their time to ensure all present had a great evening.

Trafalgar Victory FC appreciates the ongoing support of its loyal players.  For those who are finishing up with the club this season, we thank you for your service to TVFC.  For those coming back to play/coach another season, thank you so much, you too are greatly appreciated. Enjoy your season break, recruit some new players to the club and we look forward to an even bigger and better 25th anniversary in season 2020.

Categories: General