Online registration at Trafalgar Victory FC for season 2019 is now open for new and returning players.
The previously used “My Football Club” registration system is no longer available for players in season 2019. Instead, a new online registration system, called “Play Football” is being used Australia wide this season and beyond.
To register to play at Trafalgar Victory FC, simply log onto the below link and follow the instructions:
Link to Play Football registration
Important information for existing participants
Claim your existing profile!
FFA has migrated all current and previous registrations to the new system. Please make sure you claim your existing profile during the process.
Register with an email address that matches the one used on MyFootballClub
- The key to this process is your Football Account which we will use to lookup matches for you.
- You will not be able to claim your participant history if your email address or social login does not match the email address used for registrations on the old MyFootballClub.
- Please ensure the Football Account is created in your name not the name of your child or dependant. Once you have created your Football Account you will be able to register any child or dependant.
Getting Help
- Visit the Play Football Support site for useful resources or to submit a support ticket.
- Call the support desk on 02 8880 7983