On Wednesday the 6th of June, Trafalgar Victory FC submitted three separate budget submissions for Baw Baw Shire Counil to consider.  These were:

  1. $90K Lighting project
  2. $200K Change room contribution
  3. $120K Change room hire

BBSC has since finalised their 2018-19 budget and only recently advised TVFC of the following:

  1. A formal grant application for the final two light towers at the Trafalgar Soccer Grounds has been submitted by Council, as via the State Government’s World Game Funding Program. BBSC hope to know the outcome of the grant funding after August.
  2. Council have allocated up to $100K towards the design of improved facilities at Trafalgar Recreation Reserve, including change/amenity options to cater for the needs of soccer.
  3. Council have not allocated any funds towards temporary change facilities as part of the approved budget.

BBSC Chief Executive Officer, Alison Leigthon, has written to the club acknowledging the significant work the Trafalgar Victory FC has undertaken in relation to the Club’s desire for the development of amenities and change facilities to cater for the increasing participation in soccer at the Trafalgar Recreation Precinct.

Ms Leighton further stated that Council’s decision to allocate funds towards the design of this project is a strong indication of Council’s support to improve facilities at the Trafalgar Recreation Reserve.

Moving forward BBSC outlined the following steps:

  1. Council review the relevant masterplan following adoption of the Baw Baw Shire Recreation Strategy 2017
  2. Council officers in consultation with the Club and other relevant user groups develop a design concept for improved facilities – including specification, cost estimates and compliance with relevant Council standards and policy, State sporting associations guidelines/standards and commercial building codes.
  3. Council consider the adoption of the design concept and inclusion of the project for delivery/construction in future capital works programs, noting any funding that the Club may have secured towards the project.
  4. Council officers finalise the detail design, estimates and contract specification and documentation.
  5. Commencement, including tendering, for the project would be subject to formal Council approval.

Whilst there is still a level of uncertainty, and indeed frustration, that a grant submission to the Latrobe Valley Authority was not an immediate priority for BBSC, TVFC does acknowledge the financial commitment from BBSC of $100K towards the planning of a new shower/change room facility.

So despite their being no change room facility available to any players for seasons 2018/19 (as required by both state and league rules of competition), Trafalgar Victory FC is hopeful of a quality facility being built near the Trafalgar Soccer Grounds via the process outlined above.

Once the scope and budget of the project have been finalised and detailed planning drawings made, it is hoped that either LVA or SRV funding will be applied for by BBSC in 2019.  Trafalgar Victory FC would love to see the construction of a multi-purpose shower/change room facility commence prior to the 2020 season.

TVFC will keep its members up to date regarding progress on the change room/shower facility project. Stay tuned to updates as they become available.

Categories: General