The window of opportunity is well and truly open for the construction of a change room and shower facility at the Trafalgar Soccer Grounds.  Whilst there is currently not a cent allocated, nor is this project even in the current Trafalgar Recreation Precinct Masterplan, it is in the minds of many stakeholders and the wheels of progress are beginning to move.

Trafalgar Victory have met with the Latrobe Valley Authority, Baw Baw Shire Director of Assets, each and every BBSC Councillor, state politicians and more recently with representatives from the Trafalgar & District Community Bank.  All meetings have been focussed upon seeking funding for this much needed project.

To date there has been interest from the Latrobe Valley Authority and the Trafalgar & District Community Bank in potential project funding. Baw Baw Shire have also stated that a review of the Trafalgar Recreation Precinct Masterplan is set for this year, providing an important opportunity to provide valuable feedback.  Should Baw Baw Shire elevate the change room and shower facility as a genuine project priority, there is access to considerable funding.

In addition to the funding interest already stated, local government has the opportunity to apply for funding via the state governments “The World Game Facilities Fund”.  This Victorian Government funding program has been made available to assists local football (soccer) clubs and organisations to upgrade existing or develop new facilities across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

So a real opportunity exist for Baw Baw Shire to deliver change rooms and showers to the 260+ players who use the Trafalgar Soccer Grounds 7 days a week throughout the season. If local government make this project a priority, as they should, then they have access to considerable funding and can deliver a quality outcome for the local community at minimal cost to rate payers.  Sounds like a win-win scenario?  Doesn’t it?

Categories: General