Kevin O’Byrne, Gary Cole, Lachlan Wyatt & Mark Cassar

Representatives from the Trafalgar Victory FC committee tonight met with representatives from Football Federation Victoria to discuss, amongst other items, the need of a changeroom facility at our grounds.

Mr Gary Cole, FFV Manager – Football Strategy, Mr Kevin O’Byrne Faculties Development Manager and Mr Mark Cassar – FFC Club Ambassador made time to visit TVFC to bring themselves up to speed with our clubs need and to assist in the planning towards the changeroom facility.

Both Kevin and Gary have a great deal of experience of managing numerous football projects across the state, whilst Mark has been an ambassador for local football here in Gippsland long before his current title was created.  Accordingly, all three gentlemen had genuine wisdom and considerable advice to share.

At the centre of the conversation was a strategic approach towards partnerships with both local and state government.  Clearly a project of this magnitude requires the support and indeed backing at all levels of government. TVFC has a proud history with FFV, Baw Baw Shire and the Victorian state government in delivering major facility projects.  It is hoped that once again all parties can work together to deliver a solution to our current need.

The FFV managers left the meeting with a clear picture of our current needs and that of Gippsland FC who are also co-tenants at the grounds.  They plan to contact Baw Baw Shire to discuss our needs and to offer their support to our bid for a changeroom facility.

The involvement and support of FFV is very much appreciated by all at Trafalgar Victory FC.  The club greatly appreciates the work of Mark Cassar, FFV Club Ambassador in arranging this meeting.  TVFC look forward to working with FFV to deliver the best possible outcome for the many soccer players in our local community.

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