Trafalgar Victory FC today met with Cohen Van der Velde (BBSC Director Community Assets) and Mark Kestigian (BBSC Exec Manager Communications & Economic Development) at the Trafalgar Soccer Grounds to discuss the proposed change room and shower project.

The meeting was also attended by Gippsland FC Vice President Vicki Hingston, who added considerable support to the bid for a change room and shower facility.

The meeting focussed upon access to various funding options and the process of reviewing the currently active Trafalgar Recreation Precinct “Master Plan”.  Baw Shire are very aware of the needs of such a facility.  However, until such a time that funding is allocated and the project is included in scheduled capital works, our club has much work to do.

All at TVFC eagerly await next week’s BBSC budget release to see what funding, if any, has been allocated towards this project.  Once the budget has been released, the club will respond accordingly.

TVFC members are advised that the committee of management is doing everything in its power to promote the need of a change room facility and we are actively exploring numerous avenues for funding.  The club will keep its members up to date as developments occur.

Categories: General