Trafalgar Victory FC players and families are advised that upon our club’s request, the Latrobe Valley Soccer League (LVSL) will be running a free Assistant Referee (AR) Course at the TVFC club rooms on Tuesday the 23rd May from 5:00pm – 6:30pm.  LVSL AR Instructor Mr Adam Sharp will deliver the course.

The course will cover the rules of the game as outlined by its governing body FIFA.  This free community course is ideal for all parents of MiniRoos and junior players. All amateur clubs rely upon parents and family members to be an assistant referee on game day at the junior level of competition.  Accordingly it is essential that all junior parents know the basics of the rules of the game.

Accordingly, Trafalgar Victory FC warmly invites all  junior and senior aged players and parents of all ages to attend our free AR Course.  For planning purposes, TVFC requests that you register your intention to attend via the online form link below:

Online registration form 

The majority of the course will be delivered inside the Trafalgar Victory club rooms.  However, sections of the course will be delivered on the pitch.  So please bring suitable footwear. Refreshments will be served after the course.

Categories: General