Trafalgar Victory FC is please to announce that Miss Emily Keilty, who plays for the TVFC Senior Women’s team, has been appointed as coach of the TVFC Under 16 Girls team for season 2017.
Emily has been a player at Trafalgar Victory for the past 6 years, and is extremely excited about taking on a new role as coach at the club. She has a wealth of experience as a player and has lots of knowledge to pass onto the younger girls at the club. Emily is looking to build a connection between the Under 16 Girls and members of the Senior Women’s team, many of whom are only a couple of years older than the junior aged players.
Emily told TVFC that “although she has never coached soccer before, she will be committed to making sure that the girl’s skills improve and their enjoyment and love for sport increases” All at TVFC are delighted that Emily has chosen to coach the girls and we wish her and the Under 16 Girls all the very best for the season ahead.
Emily will be present at the club’s Kick Start event at the grounds on Sat 18th of Feb. It is hoped that the Under 16 Girls will come along and meet their new coach.