Under 8 Team pic

What a cold and wet game for round 12. Even though our game against other clubs was cancelled due to Monash’ ground conditions, it was fun to be able to have an intraclub club match, where we played our other Traf team. There was a fairly good number from our under 8’s with 14 in attendance allowing for everyone to have a full game, albeit very tiring by the time the game finished.

The defence players continued to do well, staying out of the centre field and giving great support to the goalies and their own team offenders.  When the ball was moved up the field the offenders were then able to play many opportunities of driving the ball down the field to the goalie. There were a number of great goals scored across both sides.

The sideline throw ins are improving with defending players manning up on the offence players.  The goalies also continue to improve their positioning and reading the play. U 6 kids jointly played with the assistance of some u10 and 12 player braving the wind and rain. It is great to see everyone playing together and having fun.

U10 played parents and made the most out of a cold morning.  A great game had by all, even though we ended the game in the middle of the second half due to the teams being cold, wet and tired and we were about to be pounded by the rain. It could be worthwhile for all players to wear a long sleeve top underneath their soccer top as we move towards the last few games where winter is making games very cold.

Report by Kara Kimberley.

Categories: General