Under 8 Team pic

With round 10 being cancelled due to wet and unfavourable ground conditions before the holidays, our teams were fortunate to have a fabulous sunny morning to return to soccer after their break. Our opponents were short on players so thanks to Levi who volunteered to help out and play on the Monash side.  Our Traf side did extremely well in offence making the game play harder for our opponents to get the ball back over half way. Our goalies were also very patient waiting to see whether the ball would be driven down towards them, however the game play was spent mostly in our opponents end. There were many players who seen some congestion and knew to move out and make space rather than continue to crowd. It is for these reasons that Mitchell received this week’s award, being a patient goalie and being a great back up player down the field rather than adding to congestion. Well done.  The second team played Moe. What a evenly matched game. Both teams played well. Traf have learned how to pass the ball and work it down the pitch together. The defence and confidence is stronger than ever. After having 3 weeks break all of the players have shown improvement since their last game. Well done Bailey for getting this weeks award. Running the full pitch and showing great skill in dribbling. Well done to the whole team.

Report by Kara Kimberley.

Categories: General