Trafalgar Victory FC held its AGM on Wednesday the 9th of November at Café Obsession, Princes Highway, Trafalgar. During the meeting outgoing President, Dylan Wyatt, presented his annual report and Treasurer, Raelene Brace presented the club’s financial report. The club then called for nominations for committee vacancies for the upcoming season.  By the end of the meeting the new Trafalgar Victory FC Committee was as follow:

President: Emma Hudson

Vice President: vacant

Secretary: Katrina Alison

Treasurer: Raelene Brace

General Committee: Lachlan Wyatt

General Committee: Mark Judd

General Committee: Kara Kimberley

General Committee: Warren Steen

General Committee: Rebecca Bredin

TVFC is still looking for someone to take up the position of Vice President.  So if you are interested and willing to serve our great club then please be sure to contact the club at

The AGM concluded with a vote of thanks to outgoing committee members. The work undertaken by outgoing President, Dylan Wyatt and outgoing Secretary, Templar Hankinson, was acknowledged and publicly applauded.  Both gentlemen have made major contributions for the betterment of their club.  Both men have also worked extremely hard and played a major part in the formation of the new Latrobve Valley Soccer League, that all at TVFC currently enjoy.

Whilst is it extremely important to have an organised, dedicated and functioning committee of management, a healthy sport club and/or community group requires many volunteers to assist in a range of projects.  So if you are not in a position, for a variety of reasons, to join the club’s committee, please do not hesitate to offer your services and skills for the betterment of your club.  Please consider offering what you can to improve your families club.

If you wish to discuss or forward proposals to your committee, please feel free to contact them directly via the following group email:

Categories: General