Representatives from TVFC have this week attended a club seminar upon liquor licensing. The evening was organised by GippSport and provided via the Good Sports program and the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulations.
The objectives of the seminar was to:
- increase the knowledge and awareness of club committee members in dealing with liquor licensing issues.
- better equip committee members and club staff to address issues of alcohol misuse and abuse within the club.
Attendance at this seminar was compulsory, as the club is currently applying for a new licence for season 2105. The evening focussed upon issues such as choosing the most appropriate licence, club rules for members and guests, understanding a liquor licence, red-line plans, signage around the club and implications of licence breaches by club and individuals.
Presented Collin Mann was extremely knowledgeable and experienced and presented a most detailed yet concise session. Numerous questions were asked of Collin and he provided insightful and most welcomed advice to those in attendance.
Trafalgar Victory FC is managing the introduction of liquor sales for the first time this season and is setting up all the necessary procedures as required by the VCGLR.
If you are a member at Trafalgar Victory and would like to gain your Responsible Serving of Alcohol certificate and are prepared to serve alcohol at the club, please contact us at as the club is looking to run a training night in the near future.