TVFC is delighted to announce the appointment of Mark Wood as its senior coach for the 2015 season. With TVFC anticipating confirmation of their bid to return to the GSL Central Division any day now, Marks appointment is crucial in building on what is already set to be a historic year for the boys in red and white.

2015 TVFC Snr Coach Mark Wood congratulated by TVFC President Dylan Wyatt
Mark boasts an impressive resume having been with TVFC in seasons past. Choosing to take the year off in 2014 Mark returns to TVFC in 2015 despite being on the shortlist for multiple clubs in the Gippsland and Metropolitan regions. Mark already holds to his name a coaching record of 2 League Titles, a Nan Bosma Cup and a Grand final birth in 2012, backed up with a League Title and the clubs first ever Premiership in 2013.
Mark is known around the club for his energy and passion for the sport and is sure to bring a strong sense of unity and work ethic to the team. He is popular amongst the playing group and his wealth of knowledge is sure to prove valuable to all under his watch.
Mark has told the senior group that the year will be ‘challenging but rewarding’ and all of those looking to enjoy and improve their football experience are in the right place. Mark will appoint a team of coaches to assist him in his 2015 campaign likely to comprise of likeminded individuals with a desire to develop football in Trafalgar. The coaching team will be training the U18s, 2nd Division, Reserves and Seniors as a group each Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6:30pm sharp.
TVFC would encourage anyone 16 years or older seeking the opportunity to create history, enjoy a social and friendly atmosphere and improve their football ability to attend training with Mark and his team on Thursday the 22nd Jan for a session followed by a meet and greet with the coach.