Despite a hectic December, Santa held true to his word and visited the Trafalgar Victory FC Christmas Party this evening at the Trafalgar Soccer Grounds. Not only did Santa give every child (and many of the parents) lollies, but he also jumped the fence and had a kick with the kids! One of the younger participants stated with much surprise that “Santa has real skills!”
It was great fun for the kids present at the TVFC Christmas Party who had earlier enjoyed many fun activities organised by TVFC MiniRoos Coordinator, Tanya Makins. The kids had a go at sack racing, shots on goal, as well as a game with parents. There were plenty of prizes available for those in attendance and the bubble wands were a huge hit with the kids. But the story of the evening was definitely the arrival of Santa who entered the soccer grounds on the Trafalgar CFA truck.
Kids, parents, CFA volunteers and Santa himself all enjoyed a snag in bread and a fruit box which was kindly donated by Trafalgar IGA and Bakers Delight, Warragul (near the Coles store).
The evening was a great celebration of the Christmas season at the club. Whilst numbers certainly weren’t huge, it is hoped that the event will become a regular fixture on the TVFC calendar for years to come.
TVFC would like to thank Tanya Makins for arranging the event, Shirley Guthrie for her contacts with the CFA and Santa, the CFA volunteers, Katrina and Chloe Alison for their work in the canteen/BBQ, Michael Byrne for cleaning the clubrooms prior to the evening. Thanks too to the parents and kids who came along and had a great evening.
Trafalgar Victory FC wishes all its members a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!