Trafalgar Victory FC juniors are advised that online registrations are now being taken by the Latrobe Valley Soccer League for junior aged players wishing to trial for the LVSL Squad teams. Applicants must register online via the below link then attend compulsory trial sessions. Following the trial sessions squads will be announced for Under 12 Boys, Under 14 Boys, Under 16 Boys, Under 12 Girls, Under 14 Girls & Under 16 Girls.
The 2017 Country Championships will be hosted in the Latrobe Valley on the Queens Birthday long weekend June 10 – 12. Registration for the trials will be open until 6pm Monday 17th April. Trial dates will be announced soon after
To be eligible for a particular age group, a player should become the age specified in the period of January 1st of the year of the Championship and December 31st in the same year. All participating players must be currently registered with FFA and LVSL.
Trafalgar Victory strongly encourage all interested players to trial for these squads. It is an excellent experience for participants and if successful, squad members experience an excellent long weekend of high quality football. TVFC players Haylea Porter, Chloe Allison and Michael Judd all represented LVSL at Bendigo in 2016. As a 2016 LVSL Squad team manager I am happy to answer any questions about the process or event. Please feel free to contact me on 0448 032 490.
Link to online registration form.