Image: Artist impression of the future multi-use sports pavilion in Trafalgar.

On Wednesday the 2nd of December, Baw Baw Shire Council accepted the tender submitted by Kubale Constructions for the construction of the Trafalgar Multi Use Pavilion for the total sum of $2,491,970 (excluding GST) and;

  • Allocated $250,000 contingency to the contract for use by the project manager to complete associated works on site including any latent conditions;
  • Allocated $25,000 for the demolition of the existing boxing gym following the completion of the new pavilion;
  • Allocated a portion of the anticipated project savings (borrowings) of $433,030 to assist funding Council’s $500,000 contribution towards the Longwarry Kinder Upgrade project; and
  • Delegated authority to the CEO to sign and execute the documents required to award the contract.
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Cr Darren Wallace advised TVFC that the build will take 10 months and should be completed by November 2021. Trafalgar Victory FC is delighted by the recent announcement. The club has lobbied for change rooms for several years now. Over the journey, TVFC has met with every individual Baw Baw Shire councillor, numerous council officers/directors, state members of parliament and federal members of parliament. It has presented its need for female-friendly facilities in the media, both print and television.

The final project is so much more than just a set of soccer changerooms. The multipurpose pavilion will support Trafalgar Victory FC, Gippsland FC, the Trafalgar Football & Netball Club, the Trafalgar Cricket Club and the Trafalgar Boxing Gym. The recently announced build is a huge win for the entire community. It represents a great example of what is possible when community and sporting groups work together for a common cause.

The recent announcement has been received with great excitement and considerable enthusiasm from past and present TVFC players and members alike. Like all stakeholders upon the Trafalgar Recreation Precinct, TVFC cannot wait for the project to commence, be completed and be made ready for use. The club wishes to thank all the user groups who have contributed towards this project, SRV for the funding and BBSC for their vision in investing in this major project for our local community.

Categories: General